Tuesday, August 17, 2010


Pollinate with your ways
you tool of the trade
hearing your words is a
part of loss one can easily
deal with losing

Stuck there swaying in the tides
the waters rushing in so full of sour cravings
you stand there sinking giving in to the
same things I do, different names
and different colors take them apart

upon this poetry rests a crown
it will never belong to the joyous
sacrifice and you will learn
to dance in the rain
and rest in due time

The elephant in the room
is what Ive been to you
to bring you to this point of life

I'm on a stepping stone
looking straight down into a void
it'll swallow me up and
change the parts of me
that I cannot break free from

Like a chain of Prometheus
strap me to the stone
and tear away again and again my organs intact
but I will come back
fighting for my dreams

Awww it is the not the end
nor can we call this a start
we are all in the mire
stalled with mud in our exhaust
stick with Him take out your own intentions
and swing away with the new sword

upon this poetry rests a crown
it will never belong to the joyous
sacrifice and you will learn
to dance in the rain

Upon this poetry rests a crown
it will never belong to the joyous
sacrifice and you will learn
to rip this world in two
and die in flames
taking everyone with you.

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