Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Here is the Nine Minute biggie!

grown in a lab and trained within the wall of mad men
always under estimated by each other
never pitted against the brotherhood
each striving for perfection

the blood boils in the heart
seeking a respite from this intensity
driving the souls
gallant are these beasts
stung in the heart with passion
the swelling

the heads upright

description of a warrior
behind the cold eyes of invisiable creation
delighted in the mystery of the subjigation
cold crumbling vainty falls from the sides of the skin

nothing worth fighting
collapse in a heap under the sun
betraying the amount of work pit before them
palliant metaphore for the pillar of animal
seething with raw power

unindulgant any longer
nothing inside but creation for lack of words
blazing destruction awaits the awakener of the sleeper
the beast lay in the wasteland
in plain view
no one can see the gafferty sight

A wreckage consealed within a masterpiece

the cogs turning and wheels spinning
the wash of chemicals in the tight space
burn away at the energy
resting but always seeking
burning red eyes taking in the vision
of wasted time

flowing like a rush of water out from the source
like the gush of blood from the neck of the slain
delirious the men around the machine run

run run run run
run for nothing
nothing that lasts

fleeting consumption
all endless waste where the beast sleeps

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