Wednesday, February 3, 2010

The play continues

So I am trying to get a player to work so we can just stream all the songs in one place, but I am having difficulties. The guys at Big Contact are assisting me, and hopefully we will have this corrected tomorrow.

The Song Ghosts is nearly complete as well. The final stages of mixing are in order, but we are going to wait until this weekend to finalize it. So either we will mix it up or scrap it and start again with new vocal placement and new guitar. Same basic design, just different placement of the music.

I am still working on Pineapple in my free time between work and working on Ghosts. But for the rest of the week, I am letting go of Ghosts so I can play some more songs, and work harder on the ones I am leaning towards polishing up.

Tonight I will leave you with a pretty crazy version of the final song. It is mixed to death with super effects and oddities I could find in our program. Enjoy!

Mind you, this one is called MixDeath. As in the death of mixing. LIsten with head phones or good speakers to be thoroughly disappointed! Hahahahaha!!!

Don't worry this weekend we will have the nearly complete one posted for you.

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