Thursday, February 18, 2010

machine3x_mixdown (2).mp3

Here is a diddy that we started working on yesterday after the visit from the black muse. It is called Machine and the lyrics are being worked on now. The music is a bit of melodic synth sounding guitar and a machine beat. I just played this and seriously have not listened to it yet. So I am aware that it might clip at points, but overall I think when I was playing it the scratch pad of work sounds pretty dark and full. The effects are a cavernous reverb at full 100% and a spinal puppet amp. The delay is an 800 ms. Oh the lyrics are not on here, yet, but soon they will be, once they are cleaned up and sorted and refined and all that jazz that I do not do on the guitar before I post it. There is not a lot of layering in the beginning but the end distortion I have three guitar tracks that mesh together.

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