Monday, November 15, 2010


My -a song a day- started yesterday with this little diddy.

Stuck in a world
devoid of this reality

Sucked into the dimension of justice

Seeking the secreted coldness
of a murders view

Such intensity
found in the silent

Consuming the blinking of an eye
a breath off center

These hands do not under stock vivid expressions
A knife in each eye

so you fancy yourself a pragmatic
gift those senses my way

like a sin wrapped in gold
your ways entice me
so subversive
but so wonderful
like a warmth to steal my soul

Your world trapped in this so called isolation
you seem so at the ready
but you fail to run

Where is the selfish conquest

Soooooooo ghastly
soooooooo beautiful
these butterflies will not go away
its the pull of your gravity
circles me round
a moth to a flame
open the door for this withered beast

ooooooooo your face

ooooooooo your questioning looks even give me the chills

Can I be the one to dream in your isolation
Can I be the light to your vacuum

Burning brightly in the cold
I know you are in there aching to see how the times have changed

The words you speak
damage the pestilent
To fall into this lust
begs to render this complete house to shatters of glass

How can you love what has no flame
How can you find craving in the nightmare
Your ways disturb my eternity
My hate cleans up this world
Its time to grow.

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