Monday, November 15, 2010


Unsure if this song is going badmanJ lyrics or Ehkolite lyrics, so I wrote some of my own for now. We will see how it pans out.

Sit back and enjoy the collab work from this past weekend with Muzz, Mac, and me.

touched aren't we all
by your tiresome hands
Over all the flesh and sweat
Your need to taste
Everything you see

Sitting alone dispossessed is your kin
noted that your ways are turning the loved
into orphans of sexual thrashing

Your fire is spreading
like a disease
The ones you care about taking a back seat
Your hands spreading the fantasies

wide open
in your head

Pull your self together man
You're all over the place
Your focus is far from what you are living
You had those times
its over and done
but you're locked into disaster

One life is not enough to live
the way you are cutting up
into bits
the people around you

Indulge no more
Or risk
even more the love
even more the pain
and even more the monster inside you
coming to an even uglier head

These words are lost in hopeless space
inside the man is unchallenged
and the victims still live

very much aware
very much ashamed

To your personal hell
let your feet lead you
and bring the orbitals along

sing this all the way home
Drape yourself in the scents of the women you'll never love
consume more poison and quench more thirsts
close eyed and undisturbed

these paths all point home
home to your hell

self devised
self contained
another piece of wood for the fire

quietly we will watch
for the nitroglycerin
cannot be moved

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