Sunday, February 14, 2010

The New Player and a New Song: The Wall!

Hey guys! Take a look at the new player. It is on the homepage right under the banner. It took some serious time to find one that would work. The Bigcontact one sucked and would not work no matter how I tried to fix it, and ask for assistance. But this new one, offered just the player and the rest was pretty much up to me. So I had to figure out XML and figure out where to put everything and to get things read for it to function. So it was quite an ordeal, so I deserve my own hand patting my back I feel.

Tonight for music. I have written and sung a song. I only did one take of everything and I was not feeling the greatest with my singing, but I feel it is only fair if I put it up here as BadmanJ allows me to put his voice up here. I like the song a lot, I just wish I had been able to do more than one take. Enjoy! This was done in RiffWorks, and is a little choppy due to that. I had a lot of fun doing it.