Wednesday, December 30, 2009

pajamaForestthemesong_mixdown (2).mp3

I was writing a theme song for the comic Pajama Forest, I have lyrics for it, I will put them on there in time when I have more of it. Maybe tomorrow. Probably tomorrow.
This is very bassy. I am not sure how that happened, but there you have it. Enjoy!

New Lyrics of an old song

BadmanJ just cleaned up and started to work some more of the lyrics. I spend nearly no time tonight on music due to other responsibilities, but I did make something, that is the next post.

This is the rock guitar 5 song with the lyrics cleaned.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Rock Guitar 5 Lyrics_mixdown mp3.mp3

Here is some rough shot recording of the vocals for the song written yesterday. It is sketchy and is not nearly what they will be when finished but I like the colors of this song, the vocals are being recording right now so I do not know what they will sound like combined, but we will find out.

So the lyrics came out nicely except they are still rough sketches. The pacing needs to change, and the breathing patterns are not as crisp. Additionally the lyrics are not finished. So the lyrics go until the one minute mark. They are balancing the song well. Enjoy!

dark guitar1_mixdown.mp3

I had a rough time with music today, I felt a little thin, but I was able to get this out, and I really like the way it sounds. It is two guitars layered with a capo on the second fret. I say it sounds pretty dark, but I like th pace of it a lot.

Monday, December 28, 2009

An update to Rock Guitar

I really like this one updated. I would be glad to know what you think of it. All the same info applies to this one as the last one. This time we have a beat on there, and I replayed the entire song, to fix up some errors in patterning and to add a bit more life into the arpeggio parts. In the process I ripped open my lip and I am bleeding down my face. It is unpleasant and I wish it had not happened. What can you do!? Enjoy, please.

rock guitar5_mixdown.mp3

The beat is being made as I post this for the song. I will have to rerecord it once I get the drum track. But this has looping on it for one track and a simple soft rhythmic tone to it. I really like the way it came out. Again I will have to rerecord it, but I think I can improve upon it once it is ready. It is very short because I liked how it was growing but I wanted to capture the essence of the song before it got away. So now that I have it I will recreate it with a more full length. Well as a catch all, every song we have posted here has been just sketches and song ideas, of which we are picking the best and creating something wonderful with it.

prog rock21_mixdown.mp3

This song is long, but I love when I sink into it. It has a single loop on it, and the rest is just layering of playing. No drums yet. The character is in the middle and end, but the beginning has its own shape.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

metal guitar 15 200bpm_mixdown.mp3

There is no beat yet on this one, but I was really feeling this song tonight. I got it sounding fun. There are a couple of bad notes in it, but otherwise I love the way it came out. The ending is a rought shot because I was unsure when to end it. I wanted to go on with it for a long time, but I ran out of guitar generated backbeat. There is no looping on this it is all just open guitar. It is metalish. I hope the BadmanJ can get some back beat in here.

james adam beat 12 two_mixdown.mp3

This was a beat given to me very many days ago, but I never put effort into it to get it right because there was a melody in it already. I took it tonight and worked with it to find something that went along with it. I like the way it came out. It is mostly rhythm guitar with a beat and melody.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

James ADam Beat 30 Take 2_mixdown.mp3

I need to stop capitalizing these file names, and also putting spaces in them. They just look horrible because I never take any time. This song is take two of the beat BadmanJ handed me on the 24th. I thought the first one lacked character. This one might have a little too much character and it takes a while to get into the guts of the song, but I assume there will be plenty of lyrics tracing over top of these chords to get some good ground and then it can break free.

Friday, December 25, 2009

james adam beat 30_mixdown.mp3

This is a very very simple guitar riff over a very intricate beat. Made tonight in a little bit, it has been a long day and I am very tired, I will probably go back and revisit this tomorrow. I ate a bunch of celery tonight. I love that stuff. This is 90 minutes

Thursday, December 24, 2009


This was a quick little finger picking song I threw together tonight before I got far too tired to sit up. Tomorrow I will be drinking myself silly in the morning. Should be a good time. This song has no looping, just me playing over and over again, but I layered on to itself.

Update: Hilariously enough, I had not listened to this until after I posted it, and I still did not listen to the whole thing. I will though, as I want to hear what you will be hearing.

JAmes Adam Beat 28_mixdown (2).mp3

This was a fantastic beat. I found it very challenging to get the music to stick to it correctly. But I think I found a way. No looping but I layered a few guitar parts on top of each other in different tracks.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

prog rock17_mixdown.mp3

This was something I did today. The beginning sounds a bit rip-shot, but it is going someplace, so stick through it. BadmanJ is off home to Erie, so I am without a beat maker tonight. Well at least until he gets settled in with the family. This was made with a background loop and two layers.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

ProgRock4 Drums.mp3

This is another of my favorites. The old ProgRock 4. The beat is good and music is great in my opinion. It is still unpolished, but I enjoy it. It was made with loops and layering.


This one is one of my favorites. It is pretty metal. The end of it falls apart because I was not sure yet how long it should be and what it would finally sound like, so I just played and tried new things. I like the way it sounds though. I think it is played by three guitars at any one time. I did lots of layering to get this to sound this way. There is no beat in this song, but I think there were plans to have some. I will have to look into that.

james adam beat 13_mixdown (2).mp3

This is the version of Song 13 that BadmanJ really likes. I will have to work on rerecording it again to more mimic this sound. The first post was the newer version of Song 13, but it is missing that kick this one has. Though this one is a mess of trials inside of it. So it breaks down pretty harshly, but overall it is a good listen.


This features the return of BadmanJ. And also some pretty shotty guitar work on my part. It doesn't quite seem like I can line up with the beat when I am doing the hammer-ons. It is just a musical sketch, it doesn't have to look just right yet, but you can take a listen. The beat is good and solid, and the end starts to pull together the right idea. There is no looping in this song, it is straight up playing the same part over and over.


This is another Prog Rock style song, with extensive looping to play with multiple guitars myself. It is 30 bpm. It is a more dark piece, with very ambient qualities. Again no beat behind this one other than the guitar.


This is a more prog rock style song based on multiple guitar looping. I layered a bunch of guitar on top of them going through the song a few times to get it right. But this is just single pass per track to play something interesting. Not with out its edges and jags, but still overall something new. There is no beat behind this. It was run with a 2000hz loop at about 90 beats a minute.

james beat 3_mixdown.mp3

This is very finger picking like and quiet relaxing music. It ends with a long empty beat.

Song 13

Here is the beginning of a daily update with new music each day. The BadmanJ and I have put together these bits of music to which you can listen. Check back daily for new music. Also if you want us in your iTunes folder as a podcast/musiccast feel free to add us. We are

Just add that to your iTunes > Advanced > Subscribe to Podcast... > URL box

If and when I figure out how to make that an auto link I will change it and add it to each post.

Enjoy the music!

Also if you just want to listen to the music online you can click the post title link and it will drag you directly to the song on the server. WE will see if this destroys our bandwidth. It should not be too bad, but either way I am paying for some serious pipeline I best use it I suppose.