Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Future updates, and current states

Music has been created and the uploads have been sparse. I will be attempting to add more music like I had been, but I have been pretty jaded with the hacking at the home office of the music. So I wanted to make sure I kept the reliance on that site very low. However, I realize that with a server and no reliance I am paying for nothing for $$$ a year.

With that said, I have been posting a bunch of the B-sides and scrap work to the Bandcamp site, you can find at

Coming soon I will be reverting back to the old Following site. However like all things the site will be changing. From the unnamed players to players with the song names and the frequent stat checking technology I would like to have at my disposal. Also we will be having some great new features. The updates will be noted on the blog site. I have yet to fully design the new sites with my coding abilities as they are quite truncated. My old copy of Dreamweaver from college has gone missing, and I do not have enough money for the new version. So if anyone has a copy of that laying around I would LOVE a copy so I can start building a little faster than typing a single word, and then looking back at a website to see if I can go to the next word yet.

I have also been learning a bunch of JQuery to start building in that. Frankly, it is very confusing since I do not do it for a job and I have to learn by reading online and have no one to ask questions to. I suppose I could post in forums but I am terrible at speaking questions that I mean instead of making up questions that are irrelevant to what I really want to know. Cause frankly, I have no idea the right questions to ask.

So, the goal in the next month is to build a wonderful new Following site (not built yet 3-2-2011). With a collection of youtube videos in a special player and to have a bunch of our songs listed on the site in plain view for listening and listening in a jukebox type player.

With that said: I will not be making any more promises as I am already in WAY over my head with all the things I would like to have made, and I would like more to have been building them instead of talking about them. The downside is my Chrome laptop can type and update, but it cannot webdesign. Unless anyone knows of a web-based site builder that I can code and upload to my site using just the browser then I need to find a better way to build.

And now with THAT said: I have sheets and sheets of papers to make the best of what I have currently.

Here are some of the videos that we were talking about! Oh wait, did I not talk about them? If you are following us on the Following Satellites Facebook page then you already know about them, but if you do not yet follow that page, then I implore you to start following it now! And also you would have not seen these videos yet. So without further adieu:

This video is of the first practice we have had with our new drummer. The camera is a simple canon that badman walked around with for a second and then placed on a speaker. The rest is all captured with the tiny microphone on the camera. The drummer is playing this song for the first time that day. I think this one goes pretty well. Badman sounds like a recording, but rest assured he was there and making those sounds legitimately. Anyway this is the song we are launching our*single* as: No One at Your Door. You can find this for free download in pretty much any format you can think of at

This video is a continuation of the preceding video the camera is still sitting on the speaker and still recording. I forgot it was there and I forgot even more that it was recording. So I did not even notice when Badman picked it up to turn it off. This song is Empty Particles. It is a staple and if you have seen us play live, it was done last time acoustically, but it sounds so much more fun with the drums. The slowdown you might notice in the video is from the drummer and bassist following each other and then the rest of us responding to the slowing by slowing ourselves as we are good metronome followers. It is pretty funny how we can be so lead by the beat in music. Also I attempt to make a note that I just could not get to without warming up the voice. It made me laugh, hopefully it makes you laugh too!

Look forward to all this type of information on the new updated page. That will be soon, but again, I will need to find or buy a copy of Dreamweaver to make the speedy recovery and speedy updates I like to make.

Thanks for listening.

The Ehk'olite

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