Tuesday, August 17, 2010


its the porch light
decorating your skin
with the lace surrounding your heart

im stuck shivering in this darkness
wanting more but keeping at bay my chemicals
there will be time for anything
but Im still for the moment
Just a few more inches and your
hand is on my face

One more step and youll be in my arms

its one more heart beat
the chill is through my skin
into the bones

your life is a speck and im the movement your looking for
any more stillness in this air
I could crack it with a blink
your head tilts in and my hand reaches behind
your back
the gout that reaches to the heavens
This is my love
This is my love in an instant

any remaining moments we had
are in my head
swirling and my own
you have become something more than you ever were
destined to be calm and silent
beautiful in an instant
covered in red

your heart beats with mine
one last time
im in a season of bliss

this contentment is beautiful.
your hair is beautiful
and I am surrounded by your life

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