Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Welcome to the song called Masses. I wrote this song as a prog rock song. I enjoyed a specital in my mind and wrote the music based on the idea. It is two orbiting celestial masses existing too close and coming together. It is a song about gravity wells and the energy in them. The dance of particles and the raw power. I tried to capture what I was feeling in the song. I hope you like it. I use a vetta wah pedal at about 10:30 on the dial, the piezacoustic 2 amp, and spinal amp, and a cavernous reverb. Also the standard noise gate to get rid of the fuzz that is needless. I use break beating and strum breakdown to set on edge the tempo. I use bending on the guitar and pick sliding. All in all I love making this song. It speaks to me well.

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