Tuesday, January 26, 2010


This song is such a wonderful song in my head. I need to get it just right but for tonight I have only a snippet as the majority of tonight's music was replays and parts of songs and nothing really 'finished' well as finished as they usually get on this site. But recently, and by that I mean tonight, BadmanJ and I have started to bring out the polish and shine on the songs we have already recorded and posted here. To name a few of the ones we are doing: Pour, Gravity, Pineapple, Incredulous, Ghosts, Ribbons. So new music will be mostly little snippets like tonight. The main work will be on cleaning up and refining the stuff we are most excited about. Plus there are a lot of chords, strumming patterns and lyrics to suss out and get ready for presentation. Some of the songs will be changing slightly but the cores will be there. Mostly the things changing are the little strum hiccups I make and some of the 'lead' guitar parts will change to adapt for a longer version of a song. We got the new speakers tonight so we are ready to mix professionally now with a very neutral sound stage.

But about this song Pineappple: It has a 500ms delay on it with a slight cavernous reverb. It is mostly action style playing with no hand resting from sliding up and down the strings. You can kind of pick that up from the delay string slide sounds. The rhythm guitar is three different chords with varying strum patterns. No amp, though I tried the plezio but I did not like the texture of the sound that came out. The open guitar worked a lot better for my ears. Enjoy, this is very short. is a 5 second delay before the music kicks in when you hit the play button.