Friday, June 25, 2010

Thursday, June 24, 2010


Here is a song I did in less than one hour using Riff works. That distortion sound of some type of word: That's me singing into the Spinal Puppet Amp. It was all and all a very fun song to make. Hope you enjoy!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010


Done in the Riff tracks land. I thought this was fun to make. I had a hard time strumming so quickly, so I should practice more!


Same old same old. Drop C and crazy stuff! But entirely new! Confound it!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Brought to you by instep cadence. Drop C I believe. or half step, I forget. I make a lot of things... hahaha... I hope you like this one, it was fun to make.


This is in Drop C too. I like this song for its very notable Ehkolite new hotness sound. It is alright, but I am sure there is more potential inside the secret hidden areas of the wrinkles. Nel likes it! So do I!!


Here is the Indie song I made but the BadmanJ put beats on it and here we are! Have fun!


Drop C yo! I love this song. I have the presets saved, but it is Tredplate Amp and the normal stuff. I think this is the first song for the concept album we are working on. Enjoy it!

Sunday, June 13, 2010


This is my version of an Indie song. It is fourth fret capo and very soft for a spider web voice to sing on it, or BadmanJ can rap it up if he feels up to it. It is undecided as of writing this now.


A little bit of a song I made up today. Enjoy.

Sunday, June 6, 2010


This aught to confuse the WWW board. Check it out a .wav.mp3 I made this the other night with Nel'durac. We were jamming, him on the piano and me on the guitar. I thought I would share this with you.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


I wrote this for a friend that is out of the country right now. I wanted a topic and I thought this would be fun!

I also went for a long run today. Irrelevant.


Oh I am singing on this one. It was sort of a freestyle with the words written down and sung through once, so I am misguided on what notes should sound like. But I am ok with how the first take sounded.